4 January 2019, CUFEBusiness School held the “Training Seminar for students attending the 2019Spring Semester Overseas Communication Programs” according to the regulationsregarding students attending overseas communication programs of both MoE andthe university level. The training seminar was hosted byDr.Xiaokun Guo, Director of the International RelationsOffice, CUFE Business School. 10 students from all degree levels of CUFEBusiness School attending the 2019 Spring Semester overseas communicationprograms were present. The students would go to The Wharton School of theUniversity of Pennsylvania, UC Berkeley, EDHEC, NUS, Monash University, and GfKVerein, for exchange studying and internships in the 2019 Spring Semester.
Dr. Guo introducedthe profile of the students attending the 2018 overseas communication programs,and the experiences of those previous students. With the support of the upperauthorities and administration level of the university, the internationalcommunications of CUFE Business School were active and had achieved impressiveaccomplishments year by year. A total number of 94 students went for various overseascommunication programs in 2018. The students all had a good memory abroad whichhad a good demonstration effect and a driving role for the students ofthe next gradeto take part in such activities. In orderto ensure the studying and life abroad, the students attending the overseas communicationprograms should firmly establish the sense of safety responsibilities, enhancethe sense of social responsibilities, pay attention to their individual safetyand property safety during the period of staying abroad, and carry out all the proceduresin time. Taking safety as the key word, Dr. Guo trained the students on issues thatrequired intensive attention during their overseas studying, including internationalawareness,ideologicalunderstanding, social responsibilities, sense of safety, and paying attentionto personal safety, property safety, and food safety, etc. Dr. Guo introducedand discussed the issues regarding overseas studying and common sense of lifeto students. Dr. Guo stressed that the students were supposed to keep closecontact with the school as well as their family while studying abroad. Thestudents should coordinate their studying and life, cultivate international wayof thinking and broaden their international vision. They would enhance theabilities of cross-cultural communication according to CUFE Business School’s differentiationand internationalization strategies.

The studentsattend the seminar said that they would keep in mind the instructions and keyissues to remember. They would take safety as the first key issue in everyaspect while staying abroad, work hard and go back home with accomplishments. Theirgain and experience would be summarized aspresentationand reference to the next grade of students.